Setting up survey builder

Generating keys

Generating new keys

Detailed set up instructions are located here:

The easiest tool to use is git bash to generate keys. Make a set of folder for each site. 

Use command prompt and find the newly created folders using cd (see How to Change Directories in Command Prompt on Windows 10 as an example)

When you're in the folder, run these 2 lines (copied from the instructions linked above)

winpty openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out rsa_private.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048

winpty openssl rsa -pubout -in rsa_private.pem -out rsa_public.pem

This will generate two files:

You will then sue these files below to set up the survey builder.

Pre-generated keys:

I have already generated keys for WTs 7 to 15 in advance and they are located in the D4N google drive:

You will need to download them and open them with notepad (we also have Notepad++ installed on the SRWT remote desktop) to look at the content for setting up the public key (below).

Setting up public key

Log into the Indicia warehouse You will need site editor privileges for this

In the menu go to 'Admin' > 'Websites'

Click on the edit button on the right of the site you want to add the public key for

Open the contents of rsa_public.pem and copy/paste the entire content into into this box highlighted here (including the BEGIN... and END... lines)

Setting up private key

Uploading the private key

Log in to Cpanel through clook:

Go to the file manager:

Navigate to drupal-private then click on + Folder to add a folder

Create a new folder for each Wildlife Trust:

Look at all those nice folders

Navigate inside one of the folders and click upload:

Upload the private key file for that Nature Counts site, click select file, find the correct file:

You see it has successfully uploaded:

Configuring settings.php to find the private key

Firstly navigate to public_html > sites and click on the site folder for the site you'd adding the key to, then click on Change Permissions

Make sure that this box is ticked (circled) and click on Change Permissions:

Now, navigate to public_html > sites > one of your sites (eg.

We need to change something in settings.php. You can edit settings.php by right clicking on it or clicking on edit on the top toolbar:

Find these lines about private file paths:

Edit the file path to the file path of the where the key sits in a folder you created in the previous step:

Then click on save changes:

Then go back and change the permissions of the site folder to back what it was.