4th Grade

April, May 2021

3rd, 4th and 5th Grade have been collaborating with Bridgehampton artist Laurie Lambrecht to create an art installation at The Watermill Center

Students have been wrapping sticks with yarn and fibers which are being used by the artist to construct a fence at the Watermill Center in Water Mill, NY.

The Watermill Center grounds remain open to visitors daily. If anyone would like to visit, grounds are located at 39 Water Mill Towd Rd, Water Mill, NY.

More information can be found at watermillcenter.org.

April 2021


This month, students looked at robots and artists that use robots as inspiration. Students created their own robots, collaging mechanical pieces, and then creating a background, or environment, for their robot using whatever materials they chose.

March 2021

Completed Crystals from 4C

Crystals from 4W

Completed Crystals from 4TB

February 2021

Crystals + Gemstones

Students have been looking at crystals and gemstones, including artists who use Crystals as inspiration. In learning to depict crystals, we've been imitating artistic behaviors of practicing Artists. This includes sketching crystals in our sketchbooks, practicing techniques in watercolors (our chosen medium for this project) to prepare for our final works.

December 2020 - January 2021

Lego Portraits!

This month, students worked on Lego Portraits of themselves, someone they admire, or someone they know well. After learning the history of LEGOs, we discussed character design while imaging that we were hired by LEGO to design a new character. The students were really creative!

November 2020

Ms. Wagner's Class!

Finished Spiders from Ms. Thom + Ms. Brown's class

Spiders in progress from Ms. Thom and Ms. Brown's Class!

October 2020

Louise Bourgeois

This we began studying Louise Bourgeois and her Maman spiders. In the next couple of weeks, we will be creating our own Maman spiders in the spirit of Halloween!

September 2020

This week we began looking at graffiti and street art, debating whether all graffiti is vandalism, and if graffiti is old or new.

In the next few weeks, students will work on a text based artwork inspired by the graffiti we investigated.