
Butterfly Day

LI: Retell facts about butterflies/ think about what makes sense as I read aloud

Take a photo of your activity of the Lifecyle of a Butterfly and publish it to your blog

Dinner for Greedy Cat

LI: Read and say words that start with gr/ List rhyming words for cat

p.2 What could Greedy Cat smell?

words: quiver, dribbled

p.3 Predict what might happen next

Will they give Greedy Cat some food?

p.4 What did Greedy Cat do when he finished eating the fish? words: wharf

p.5 What did Greedy Cat do when he finished eating? What can you see in the picture?

Explain what a bottomless puku is

p.6 Why didn’t Mr Rata want to give Greedy Cat any more fish?

p.7 What is Mr Rata doing in the picture? What did he compare it to?

p.8 Infer why Greedy Cat didn’t eat his favourite biscuits Katie tried to give to him

Online Followup Task: Make a copy, file it into your reading folder, complete the task and publish it to your blog.

No more cakes

LI: Retell the story again 

p.2-3 What did the cat do when there were no more cakes?

What is the donkey going to do if the cat didn't get out of the way?

p.4-5 What can you see in the picture? What is the elephant going to do if the cat didn't get out of the way?

p.6-7 How are the land crabs going to get everyone out of the cat?

p.8 What did the cat do when everyone climbed out?



LI: Retell the story again - Focus on Teamwork

What is Teamwork? Why is it important?

p.27 Why didn't Vika and Kele like gardening?

p.28 Why couldn't Vika help with the gardening?

p.29 How did Kele feel? How do you know?

p.30 Why couldn't Vika help Rishi? Infer how Kele might feel now

p.31 How are Vika and Kele going to help?

p.32 How is Vika feeling?

Make a copy of your followup here and publish it to your blog

Here's the book

Animal Builders

LI: use the text to help us answer the questions


Why do animals build homes?

What do tent caterpillars make their nest from?

How do termites keep their nest cool?

What do weaver birds use to make their nests?


Why do some animals work in teams to build their home?

How do paper wasps get their name?

Why do beavers hide from wolves and bears?

Why is a tree a good place for a chimpanzee to build a home?

Followup make a copy: choose one of the animals in the book to share facts about on your blog. 

Growing Pumpkins

LI: retell the story again in our own words.

p.2 What is compost? 

Why is compost good for the soil? 

p.3 How long did it take the seeds to turn into shoots? 

p.5 What is the yellow powder inside pumpkin flowers? 

What happens after the bees get covered in pollen? 

p.6 What are the green bumps at the bottom of the flowers? 

p.7 Why did the boy choose the biggest pumpkin? Would you have done the same? 

p.8 What is Grandad going to do with the seeds?

Growing Pumpkins - Text.pdf

Solar Power in Tokelau

LI: recall facts about Tokelau

p.10-11 Why is this country special? How does this help the environment?

p.12-13 Why did Tokelau start using renewable energy? What will happen if people keep using fossil fuels?

p.14-15 Explain how the power stations work

Describe what life might be like for Hilivelio

p.16-17 What is the difference between solar and renewable energy? 

Here's the book

Kiu and Ugauga

LI: retell the story again in our own words.

p.23 Why was Ugauga feeling sad? 

What could Kiu do that Ugauga couldn’t do? 

p.24 What did Kiu and Ugauga have to do to win the race? 

What did Ugauga decide to do? 

p.25 Instead of heading to the big rock pool straight away, what did Kiu do after he woke up? 

Who was Kiu talking to? 

p.26 Why did Kiu cry when flying? 

What were Kuli and Pusi going to tell others? 

How did Ugauga feel at the end? 

What can we learn from Ugauga?

Listen to the story here

Audio: Listen to the story here

Make a copy of the file here  and put in your reading folder. Complete all activities.

Greedy Cat and the Visitor

LI: retell the story again in our own words.

Literal Comprehension

Who are the main characters in the story? Can you name them?

Where does the story take place? Is it in a house, a park, or somewhere else?

What problem does Greedy Cat face in the story?

How does the visitor change Greedy Cat's daily routine?

Can you tell me some things that happen when Greedy Cat meets the visitor?

How does the story end? What happens at the very end of the story?

Inferential Comprehension

Why do you think Greedy Cat reacted the way he did when the visitor arrived? What might he have been feeling?

What do you think the visitor learned from meeting Greedy Cat?

How could the story be different if Greedy Cat had reacted in another way to the visitor? What do you think the author wanted to show us?

How do you think Greedy Cat and the visitor felt during different parts of the story?