Smart Media

Smart Learners critically examine information online

  • Evaluate currency, accuracy, reliability and purpose of online content

  • Know how to verify online information

  • Analyse the construction of digital media

  • Consider how we construct our own media

The Kawa of Care supports empowering our young people as smart learners to:

  • make the most of this opportunity to learn lots of new things and to share these with others.

  • always be in the right place, at the right time when online and if in doubt ask their teacher or parent.

To achieve this learners need to be media literate and develop their ability to analyse, evaluate and respond to various forms of media. This includes understanding what media is, making informed judgements about media and most importantly, creating and sharing their own media.

WALT: Create our own media

Evaluating Media
  1. Make a copy of the slides

  2. Rename the title with your initials at the start

  3. File in your Cybersmart folder

Start reading the instructions on the slides. Have a look through the slides


More activities on the SLJ blog.

WALT: Know that media is constructed

Media is Contructed | Kua hangaia te hunga pāpāho
  1. Make a copy of the slides

  2. Rename the title with your initials at the start

  3. File in your Cybersmart folder

Start reading the instructions on the slides. Have a look through the slides

WALT: Know what media is.

SM - What is Media?
  1. Make a copy of the slides

  2. Rename the title with your initials at the start

  3. File in your Cybersmart folder

Start reading the instructions on the slides. Have a look through the slides