KS4 BTEC Sport

What am I learning?

Your Sport course is made up of three components:

  1. Understanding the Body and Supporting Technology for Sport (coursework assessed)

  2. The Principles of Training, Nutrition and Psychology for Sport (90 minute examination)

  3. Applying the Principles of Sport and Activity (coursework assessed)

Year 11 Flashcards NEW

Flashcards - (click the image/link above)

How can I develop, practice and refine my knowledge for the exam?

Component 2. The Principles of Training, Nutrition and Psychology for Sport

Revision Guides

How can I access and complete the assignments for my coursework?

Component 3. Applying the Principles of Sport and Activity

Assignment Briefs - Click Here

Lesson Slides - Leadership Fundamentals

Leadership Fundamentals

Lesson Slides - Session Planning

Session Planning

How can I extend my understanding beyond the curriculum?

The following websites will allow you to experience some of the concepts you would likely study if you were to pursue sport and sports science in your academic career at A-Level, National and Degree standard: