Core PE

WA CORE PE Teaching Rotations & Assessment Criteria

Student TEMPLATE Assessment Criteria & Teaching Rotations

What will I be learning?

The core PE curriculum allows students to focus on physical, social, cognitive and fitness development through participation in a range of sports and physical activities. Throughout the academic year students will engage in a training and conditioning unit, individual sports and team sports. The P.E. department’s vision for learning is one of building skills, technique and knowledge, whilst encouraging the promotion of leading a healthy active lifestyle. Physical Education helps students develop personally and socially.

At Westminster Academy we teach mixed ability classes through Years 7-13 in Core P.E. which is 75 minutes of high quality practical P.E. per week. In addition, all students in Key Stage 3 have Dance lessons as part of a carousel of Expressive Arts activities, delivered by a Dance specialist teacher.

How can I learn beyond the classroom?

We have a range of activities available across the academic day, with sessions specially integrated into the curriculum at breakfast, lunchtime and after-school clubs to supplement learning, as well as entering select students for a wide array of sports and competitions at borough and district level.

We have an excellent partnership with Greenhouse Sports who provide us with an outstanding Basketball and Table Tennis programme. We are proud to have seen students develop through these dedicated programmes of training and mentoring, and experience individual success - with students being called up for the Basketball England Talent Programme selection camp in 2022, plus team success - with both our U14 Girls and U16 Boys teams winning the LBA Westminster league in 2022.

Follow WA Basketball on Twitter here.

PE Winter ECA Programme 21/22

Literacy for Learning

Stay Inspired list - PE/Sport