Media - Year 10

Course Outline

Term 1

Exploring Media Products

Students will investigate different media products from the audio/moving image sector, considering their style, design, audience, and context. They look at how TV series, films, web video content are made and will start learning media production techniques.

Term 2

Exploring Media products

Students will investigate different media products from the publishing sector, considering their style, design, audience, and context. They will familiarise themselves with software like InDesign and Photoshop, as well as photography techniques and will create a film poster, following the conventions of particular genres.

Term 3

Exploring Media Products

Students will investigate different media products from the interactive design sector including web and games, considering their style, design, audience, and context.

They will also explore how the industry works and how video games are created and promoted. They will also engage in ethical debates around the effects of violence and gender representation and how the industry is changing to be more inclusive.

Term 4

Developing Digital Media Skills

Exploring creative media production processes and practices by generating ideas, and planning production and post-production processes. In this unit, they will create pre-production materials such as storyboards, recce, scripts and film treatments.

This documents will go towards their production portfolio in Year 11.

Term 5

Developing Digital Media Skills

Development of digital media production skills and techniques for the audio/moving image sector. In this unit, they will go on to produce what they planned in Term 4. They will familiarise themselves with cinematography and directing techniques as well as developing collaborative skills. They will also be introduced to post-production techniques such as editing (cutting, colour grading, transitions and special effects) on Premiere Pro and After Effects.

Term 6

Developing Digital Media Skills

In this term, they will finish any outstanding post-production work. They will also reflect on the success of their production by writing an evaluation.

Lastly, they will develop extra digital media production skills and techniques for the publishing and interactive design sectors, mainly in the form of creating a website and learning about jobs in the interactive sector such as app developer.

What are some resources to help my learning?

BBC Bitesize

Media Assessment criteria (C1 and C2)

Stretch and challenge resources

Representation in Media (slides, resources and activities)

Social and Cultural values (slides, resources and activities)

Representation in Media: Misfits

Resources/revision posted on Google Classroom

What should I do if I have questions or still need help?

  • Contact your class teacher - Ms Sartorelli (

  • Contact acting Director of Learning for Expressive Arts (Ms A Hall) at