Art - Year9

Carousel 1

Urban Landscapes

Students will document their development of confidence through exploring mediums and utilising an element of choice to showcase their own creativity using a stimulus of an Urban Landscape. During this carousel, students will learn the differences between 1-point perspective and 2-point perspective and different methods of drawing including technical approaches and printing whilst developing their own creativity and confidence.

Carousel 2


Students produce their own journey through a surrealistic project. This will involve the development of independent research and the exploration of ideas. Students will form a series of personal responses to their own artistic journey. The course will be a bitesize mapping of our GCSE Art, Craft and Design programme.

Additional resources:

Formal Elements of Art

How do I develop my knowledge beyond the curriculum?

BBC Bitesize Art & Design

Tate Kids

Take a look out of a window, try and draw the scene that you see using 1 or 2 point perspective

What should I do if I have questions or still need help?

  • Contact your class teacher Ms E Langsworthy (