Art Year 11

What will I be learning?

During year 11 students will continue to be guided through their self directed projects following the theme of 'Identity'. Students at the start of year 11 should feel confident in the direction they wish to persue with the theme of 'identity during Term 1 & 2.

Year 11 will have a prodominant focus on embeding the assessment objectives into the course to document students ability to experiment, explore and apply resilience to a range of materials and processes to reach a resolved personal and meaningful response responding to identity. They will work with a variety of techniques, materials and processes following the assessment objectives below:

AO1: Develop ideas

AO2: Refine work

AO3: Record ideas

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response

During Term 3, 4 and 5 students will be assigned a brief from the Exam board, Edexcell. This is refered to as the ESA (Externally set assignment). The ESA is waited 40% of students overall mark. Students by this point should have learnt meany skills, techniques and have a bank of ideas to prepare them for the development through their journey of work. Towards the end of the course, students will sit a 10 hour exam whereby they produce and present a personal and meaningful response (Final piece).

How do I develop my knowledge?

Students should develop knowledge by exploring and experimenting with different processes, mediums and techniques. Eg. 1. Complete a drawing 2. Recreate this drawing using craft wire.

Students should also continuously be exposed to artists and Art and this could be supported by going on visits to galleries, museums and exhibitions in their own time.

Assessment Objectives

AO1 %25

Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.

AO2 %25

Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes

AO3 %25

Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses

AO4 %25

Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language

Term 1


Idea Development

During this term students will work towards developing a personal and meaningful final response and explore compositional layout, colour theory and methods of application to produce a response exploring 2D forms and 3D.

Term 2


Personal and Meaningful response

During this term students will work towards developing a personal and meaningful final response and explore compositional layout, colour theory and methods of application to produce a response exploring 2D forms and 3D.

Term 3

ESA title: Lock

Initial investigation

Brief title: TBC

Students will recieve the exam breif title from exam board. Students will research and record initial reactions, themes and ideas explored.

Term 4

ESA title: Lock

Experimentation and reord

Brief title: TBC

Students will spend this time developing their project and potential pathways to explore whilst collecting and experimenting with Artist styles and unique processes and exploring individual styles and ideas.

Term 5

ESA title: Lock

Preparation for Exam

Brief title: TBC

Students will spend this time preparing for their 10 hour Art Exam. This will be a personal and meaningful response responding to sketchbook developments and ideas for their final piece.

Term 6

Students have completed the course

What should I do if I have questions or still need help?