Art IBDP Y12/Y13

What will I be learning?

Throughout the 2-year course, students will build a body of work connecting both historical practice and contemporary practice to their way of working. Students are expected to experience working with a variety of different art-making and conceptual forms. SL students should, as a minimum, experience working with at least two art-making forms during the course, whereas HL students should, as a minimum, experience working with at least three art-making forms. Students will be given a brief at the start of year 12 called d 'Journey'. Students will then be introduced to different mediums and skills and encouraged to challenge their own perception, creativity and cultural expectations and boundaries while steering their own creative journey through to year 2. 

During the course you will complete 3 assessment areas which will holistically help to grow students into worldly, knowledge-rich artistic practitioners:

Comparative Study

Students analyse and compare different artworks by different artists. This independent critical and contextual investigation explores artworks, objects and artifacts from differing cultural context

Process Portfolio

Students submit carefully selected materials which evidence their experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of visual arts activities during the two-year course.


Students submit for assessment a selection of resolved artworks from their exhibition. The selected pieces should show evidence of their technical accomplishment during the visual arts course and an understanding of the use of materials, ideas and practices appropriate to visual communication.

How can I expand my understanding beyond the curriculum?

Throughout the course students are expected to experience working with a variety of different art-making and conceptual forms. SL students should, as a minimum, experience working with at least two art-making forms, each selected from separate columns of the table to the right. HL students should, as a minimum, experience working with at least three art-making forms, selected from a minimum of two columns of the table below. The examples given are for guidance only and are not intended to represent a definitive list.

How do I develop my knowledge?

Get stuck in and really experiment with the process of art making and explore, make connections with Artists and the wider world. 

Get out to galleries, exhibitions, museums that can spark a light of inspiration for you. 

Keep a sketchpad with you everyday, write down any ideas, thoughts, or sights you see and draw from life as often as possible to keep you inspired. 

Take a look at some of the links

Other Useful links:

Art Monthly

The Guardian Art & Design



John Berger's 'Ways of Seeing'

What should I do if I have questions or still need help?

Year 12

Year 13

Term 1

Purposeful play

Students will be introduced to the general elements of the Visual Arts course i.e. how to use the Visual Journal, the final exhibition and the space to be used to present their work (Exhibition). Students will explore the theme of ‘journey’ and explore artist responses and their own ideas whilst documenting their explorations in their visual journal. 

Students will conduct a comparative study. This will entail students selecting an artist drawing upon their independent choices based on individual reflection of Year 1 outcomes. Students are to find a personal, meaningful focus for the creation of a body of work which will document the development of a personal reaction and reflection to the use of messages in art.

Term 2

Explore & Experiment

Students will explore techniques, skills and concepts whilst exercising visual curiosity to their projects. Progress of all work will be documented in their Process Portfolios. Students will begin conducting research and begin the research for their comparative study.

Refine, Review & Reflect

Students will reflect on and select the best practice that best demonstrates their skills over the course. This will build their individual Process Portfolio. During the final terms, students will work on the completion of previous unfinished tasks and final outcomes. Students will work visit the National gallery & Exhibition to support exhibition preparations.

Term 3


During this unit we will focus on design and graphic outcomes based on the theme of Architecture. Students will take the theme as a starting point, and from the Art History lessons, research architects/designers of their choice. This unit will culminate in the production of a final Architectural design and Graphic products.

Exhibition and Curatorial

Students will investigate, research and analyse a chosen Gallery/Exhibition or travelling exhibition as a starting point for planning their end-of-year exhibition.

Term 4

Comparative Study

Students will add the final touches to their comparative study by adding their own work in reference to influences of past work in painting and techniques, this will be researched based with a focus on development of style and technique.