
My First Official Vlog on Youtube

I went to Korea during 2018's winter break, around December 21-27. I stayed there for a week and it was freezing cold. Korea is a great country and a beautiful place, it's perfect for a family vacation, and also a great place to shop. Korea is a stylish country full of people with great styles, one thing I noticed is that they're all very well dressed, they also care a lot about their skin and physical appearances. This is my first time vlogging, I used iMovie for my editing program. My editing skills aren't really good, I believe that I could do better but I wasn't patient enough. This trip to Korea is great, the people there are really friendly, overall it was a great traveling experience!!

Photography Account: @HazyDazee_

I love taking pictures for my friends, I bring my camera around with me to capture the moment and I'm often responsible for taking pictures when going out. Me and my friend Mimi, together we created a photography account where we take pictures for other people, we went around Bangkok, sometimes we take pictures of random people, sometimes we take pictures for each other. Being a photographer is way harder than you think, it isn't just clicking the shutter button, it's so much more than that.

Taking pictures of other people can make you realize their hidden beauty, everyone is built uniquely and it may not be as obvious but I do believe that cameras bring out a different you. Photography is one of my hobbies, I love seeing the result and I'm definitely in love with how amazing the quality is, having a photography account with a friend is also testing your patient and your friendship, a lot of fights could be created during a photoshoot due to different opinions, partnership taught me a lot, and it also gave me a chance to meet more people and explore around Bangkok.

Photography gives you a chance to make more friends and see things around you differently, after having a camera I start looking around more often now, instead of being on my phone the whole time I start observing what's around me to know which place could be a good picture taking spot. Photography brings me a lot of joy and a different point of view, I wish in the future I could be doing jobs related to this.