


Beginning of March 2022 I started my internship at a film shop called "WhatTheFilm" at Sukhumvit 26. It's a film development shop and also a store that sells film rolls. The store is close to where I live so I thought it would be a great idea to ask for an opportunity since it could benefit my future: knowing how a film shop works. In the future, I want to open a film store so I thought maybe working in a film shop could give me some experience of how things work.

Having an Internship here has taught me how to talk to customers and how it is to be an employee, I humbled myself ever since because I'm no longer the customer, I'm now the employee who needs to treat the customer right. In a way it has taught me how difficult adult life is, I can't imagine myself needing to work every day, I respect all adults out there who earn for their living, especially employees who are working a minimum wage job.

I loved the place since it's very homey and nice, I was their customer from the beginning and I thought it was very brave of me to ask them to give me a learning experience. Being around people who are much older than me also allowed me to learn from their experiences, and it made me more humble in terms of life. I made a bunch of new friends, they're all very amazing people, I love this store and even if I'm not an employee of theirs in the future I would still go in just to develop my films, I'm glad that the owner gave me a chance for this job, even though to them I'm just a newbie to how film works.

CAS Stages


  • Students identify their interests, skills, and talents to be used in considering opportunities for CAS experiences, as well as areas for personal growth and development. Students investigate what they want to do and determine the purpose of their CAS experience. In the case of service, students identify a need they want to address.

Well, I thought it was very courageous of me to intern in a film store, as you can tell from my past CAS experiences, I started liking Film-photography around the year 2017-2018 and that's around the time where I got into it. Asking for an opportunity to help out there allowed me to feel like I'm doing something I enjoy, meantime I also learned how to serve customers, effective social skills, how my boss opened this shop, and how he succeed.


  • Students clarify roles and responsibilities, develop a plan of actions to be taken, identify specified resources and timelines, and acquire any skills as needed to engage in the CAS experience.

My job at the store was basically to do everything, I go in sometimes for fun just to hang out, but Saturdays are usually the time where I go in to work seriously. I don't do much really, I mostly serve customers, clean, introduce and help out with the scanning from time to time. I learned a lot about scanning films and how the machine works, I can't function it alone but I know the basics of what to do and what not to do, and this skill set is something very valuable if I do want to open a film store in the future.


  • Students make explicit what and how they learned and what they have accomplished, for example, by sharing their CAS experience through their CAS portfolio or with others informally or formally. Through demonstration and communication, students solidify their understanding and evoke a response from others.

Knowing how to develop films is one of my greatest accomplishments due to how complex it is, I don't understand it fully but there are different kinds of chemicals used in the store, it's very crucial to not get it wrong when developing the films. There are several kinds of development skills for different kinds of films: motion films, normal films, Black and white films, 120mm films, 135mm films, etc... Films such as motion film and motion B&W must be developed by a person, it takes around 2-3 hours to fully develop them for them to go through the scanning machine due to the different layering of the films. There are also positive films and negative films where positive films could see the colors under the light, negative films will like the colors are inverted.

The most interesting ones that I learned from films are how their labels matter so much, "C-41" means it could be scanned by machines, some other labels could mean different kinds of things, if you put the wrong films in the wrong place it could result in destroying the film itself or even hurting the machine where it cost 100,000 baht.


  • Students implement their idea or plan. This often requires decision-making and problem-solving. Students may work individually, with partners, or in groups.

Helping out at a place being a complete outsider, you need to compromise a lot. I guess being an international school kid it's hard to understand the perspectives of the employees or being slightly below someone since the majority of us grew up privileged. When working with others it's harder for me in a way due to cultural differences, sometimes our understanding of something could be interpreted differently, also when customers ask for explicit details on something I may not be the best at doing so, there's a lot of things that I need to work on due language barriers and inexperienced about most of the things.


  • Students describe what happened, express feelings, generate ideas and raise questions. Reflection can occur at any time during CAS to further understanding, assist with revising plans, learn from the experience, and make explicit connections between their growth, accomplishments, and the learning outcomes for personal awareness. Reflection may lead to new action

I think this experience for me was very valuable for me and my future life path, I grew up a lot after I begin to intern here, and I also learned a lot about how a business works. From my boss I've learned how to be a business starter and the inside details of how to open and function a business; From being an employee I understand how to give what the customers want and how to make them feel comfortable; From the job itself I've learned more about different types of films and the ways of scanning; From an overall point of view, I have learned that opening a business is not as easy as it is, and there's more to worry about in the future, and I should be glad that I don't have much to worry about compared to adults who are earning for their living.


  1. Areas for Growth
  2. Developing/ Improving New Skills
  3. Initiating Plans for CAS Experience
  4. Commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences
  5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
  6. Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions