

After 2 long years of dealing with the pandemic CO'22, our last sports day finally happened. Our grade only have 15 girls, and some people had to play all of the sports including me since some of the girls didn't want to participate.

Our grade's guys did a wonderful job throughout the whole two days, even though winning the sports day wasn't realistic but our guys did try their best and it is very nice to see them supporting the girls when we are playing.

Sports day is supposed to be a grade's bonding time, I'm glad this day allowed all of us to have fun and let go of the bad that we have before. Growing up with friends you have been classmates with for over 5+ years it's inevitable to have arguments from time to time, or even hate between each other since we watch each other grow up into adults. In my opinion, I feel sports day allowed everyone to be more connected, sometimes it's about being there for each other and showing support. A big loss for people who didn't participate but sports day did connect all of us and made me feel like everyone is family that watched me grow up no matter if you were close to them or not. We watched each other grow from thick to thin, annoying to mature, our time together can't be removed from our memories, I appreciate my classmates more and more each day.


  1. Areas for Growth
  2. Developing/ Improving New Skills
  3. Commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences
  4. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


Beginning of 2022 I decided to work out to make myself feel better about myself, I also met a girl in my building who is now my working out buddy.

I don't think working out is easy, especially the pre work out feeling, but working out makes my day better. I feel fresher and more awake than usual. Working out has taught me how to do something continuously without stopping, it has made me strong, more organized, and healthier.

Before going off to college it's very nice to go to the gym and get yourself prepared mentally and physically, and it's very obvious that everyone our age would care about our physical appearance, hitting the gym makes my skin clearer in a way. Most importantly it makes your day much better, when you get your adrenaline running, it never wants to come down, I wish I have started working out earlier, to get more fit, protect myself, improve my health and so much more.


  1. Areas for Growth
  2. Developing/ Improving New Skills
  3. Initiating Plans for CAS Experience
  4. Commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences


I'm not even kidding we lost probably 3 kilos for dancing for an hour straight.

I went over to Ari's house to chill and we decided to do Just Dance (the game) on his Nintendo Switch, we ended up dancing for 1 hour straight or even more dancing to the game. It was quite a workout I got to say. We had fun and at the same time, we also had some burning calories activities to do so we don't feel like fat. It was nice, although we are both in our pajamas we still had fun with each other and had a wonderful time.

Just Dance is a perfect activity to do with your friends if you want to have an activity going on without feeling bored so, I'm always been a fan of just dance and I used to have their membership for myself to workout to when I'm not feeling like hitting the gym, It's a perfect dance to workout and have fun.


  1. Areas for Growth
  2. Developing/ Improving New Skills
  3. Commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences
  4. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively