

My friends and I created an account called 'urscalpstinks', it's a photo-dump account for pictures we want to post but are not post-worthy enough. This account is managed by Me, Navi, and Ari. All of us are living different lives at the moment, we have different things going on but every once in a while we will post some pictures that we think are aesthetic or cute.

It's a nice account for us to keep some memories that we find valuable, it's also a way to keep us intact no matter how busy we are. It's an account to show that we still care for each other.

Having a lot of different Instagram accounts is actually a good way to learn content management since you need to update each account every once in a while, and sometimes it does get exhausting. I guess in a way having many Instagram accounts taught me how to multi-manage and know how content works, such as knowing a picture's worth fullness, at the same time knowing what is worth letting people see and what's not, allowing me to develop the skill of picking the right pictures.


  1. Areas for Growth
  2. Developing/ Improving New Skills
  3. Initiating Plans for CAS Experience
  4. Commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences


Motocygang is an Instagram account created by me, it's an inside joke account of our friend groups being on a bike. Bikes are our favorite go-to transportation to go everywhere, when we see each other on bikes we will take a picture for jokes because everyone looks very funny on it.

I thought this account was quite funny because it's very memorable, since it's a BKK thing and it's something we could look back in the future and think it's very funny, in the future everyone would be in different countries, this account could be something we can look back from before and remember the funny highschool times.

Here are some pictures that everyone took of each other...


  1. Areas for Growth
  2. Developing/ Improving New Skills
  3. Initiating Plans for CAS Experience
  4. Commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences

Youtube Progress: Video Diary of my Life

Beginning of High school I made a promise to myself that I'd upload more on youtube, creating more content, not necessarily for the 'fame' and validation but to have the most fun on social media. I started to Post more and more on my youtube, even though it is kind of embarrassing but I do enjoy the feeling of filming myself doing something and uploading it, I don't really care if anyone watches it because I think that this page allows me to post whatever I want and whatever I feel comfortable in.

During the summer I filmed days when I'm more productive, such as going out grocery shopping, cleaning my room, cleaning my house, etc. Basically, me film myself doing productive things but it's time-lapsed, personally, I find myself being really productive when I'm filming, and it is entertaining too when it comes to watching my own video. Kind of embarrassing but a life without good embarrassment (as in stepping out of your comfort zone) it's not interesting, and I don't live for that. I hope in the future I can post more things, and I got some ideas in my mind that I wish to pursue later when I'm free.


  1. Areas for Growth
  2. Developing/ Improving New Skills
  3. Initiating Plans for CAS Experience
  4. Commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences