
Sunset Photoshoot: Photography

During the Summer of 2021, I invited a few friends of mine over for a photoshoot with my new sunset lamp. A sunset lamp is a current trend where it allows the light to look like a sunset, many different colored films are provided to you too. I learned how to use lightroom, so the pictures you see here are all edited by Lightroom. The pictures' color originally doesn't look like this, but I changed up the setting to shift the color tones, creating different styles. Throughout the summer I learned different types of picture's different editing styles, to achieve uniqueness in editing there's a lot to learn on the setting part because everything is manual. This photoshoot experience allowed me to know my photography style better, allowed me to learn basic editing skills, and most importantly it allowed me to meet my friends.


  1. Areas for Growth
  2. Developing/ Improving New Skills
  3. Initiating Plans for CAS Experience
  4. Commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences

This account was made 2 years ago and it's still going on today, this account is full of my film photography and my memories with friends, since I bring at least one camera when I'm hanging out with friends I tend to have a lot of pictures. I made this account at the beginning just to share my film pictures, but the older this account gets more memories build-up, it captures time where it's valuable to me, the purpose of this account is like a gallery full of nostalgic-looking pictures.


  1. Areas for Growth
  2. Developing/ Improving New Skills
  3. Initiating Plans for CAS Experience
  4. Commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences