
Learning Objectives: 

Being a photographer is something that I have enjoyed doing for a long time, I just appreciate it so much when I show the results of the photgraphs and people are really amazed or really happy to be able to receive good pictures of them selves. I think of photographs as such a motivation booster, as being able to see great pictures of yourself or even just any picture of yourself, gives the atheltes a confidence boost to be able to keep performing better and see better photographs. I think it also depends on that you have a photography IQ in the sense, you automatically know the settings of your camera. Being in the Photography club helped me gain my confidence to be able to see more people not take photographs with phone cameras but learn how to take pictures from original cameras. I want to also bring attention to how many photographers don't get a lot of attention for the work they put in, when it brings so many people the ability to be able to see the moment of action. Even I, myself don't have many pictures of myself taking pictures.