
Learning Objectives: 


I have started playing volleyball around the age of 14 years old. It is also a sport, Turkey is well-known for their National Turkish Woman's team. I gradually became more interested in playing the sport, and being able to excel in it. I think another factor that helped me actually be able to visualize was watching professional people play, as many of my coaches said that watching people better than you can help you visualize yourself. This made start watching the Turkish league matches as well the Olympics. 

Volleyball was already a part of my life, since I started playing basketball, mainly because my family played these two sports. I had times where in volleyball I wasn't fully comfortable with my body, as seeing professional athletes they were all very athletic and for me, I was on the heavier side for my height, which led me to an athletes slump, where I couldn't play how I visualized myself to be able to play. Being able to go through a challenge at high school level hopefully will help me go through if anything like this happens in the future. One thing that I had realized when starting volleyball in IB was that, I didn't have any senior above me to be able to guide me through challenges or teach me tricks on how to be a better leader for the girls. Which is why I started writing my EE about sports psychology and motivation, as I wanted to learn on how to help myself become a better leader as well help guide the younger players in the team. While all of this was happneing I was improving myself on playing better as well as learning how to balance my sports, my education and my social life.