CAS Project 

Learning Objectives: 



When I first thougth about what I would be doing for my CAS project, I thought I needed to another extra cirrular activity, when I realised that I could hit two birds with one stone. As my dad had just opened a Gelato shop, that didn't have many employees just yet. Which is why I asked if I could learning, how to run a business and obviously help him out. 


My main preparation was one day, me and my dad had to go through him teaching me how to set the shop in the morning, how the cashier worked, how to close up the shop and most importantly learning customer service. Going through learning everything took me a couple of days, as I had to remember the prices as well incase the customer asked directly about the price and how much it would have costed. Another thing I prepared for was my actual language skills, as my Thai language was much better than my dads, which ended usually me talking to the customers and doing the cashier while my dad did the scooping and actually getting the product ready. 


When I actually started working, I was only able to go on the Weekends, or if I had a break from holiday. I actually ended up doing a bit more than 30 days. Helping my dad out, wasn't actually the physical schop but also helping him out with the marketing aspect, as i'm a newer generation, I know a lot more about technology, which is why I helped him create his instagram account, as well as take pictures for the takeaway products we had. 


I believe that this really helped me realize, how much dedication a business needed to be able to run. Working with my dad, side by side als made me get closer to him, as I have always had two working parents, and as a onlu child, we did get a bit distanced. However helping him made us have a closer bond, as well help me organize my schedule. As after I started working I needed to go into a schedule where I would be able to see what I had coming up and the things I needed to do. 


Overall, this project helped me realise that if there is something that I like doing, I should persue that dream. My dad's dream was to be able to open his own business and not worry about working for someone else, and working for himself to be able to achieve things on his own. I think that this helped me realize some of my passion that I would like to pursue.