Created Stickers and printed

Learning Objectives: 

Making stickers at home was something I have done before, but they were something that I did as a hobby and they weren't something that looked very professional. This was for one of the clubs I had joined this year called "PAWS". As seen from the stickers it self it has a lot of cat related things. I was able to help and create the stickers, where after going to my old printer shop, I was able to get the stickers for 300 baht from 450 baht, as they knew me, I was able to get a discount. However there was one thing that was my mistake was that I wasn't able to get them diecut, as you can see in the text messages I was asking them about. Which means they wouldn't cut out individual stickers but just as A6 size rectangles. At the end when I was able to produce the stickers and seeing people donate to buy the stickers, was something that made me happy, as many people were sticking them on their phones or their laptops. Being able to identify my strength of handy work, was very cool.