Chinese tutoring

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Student project leader(s): Angel

Members: my cousin brother

Title of project: Chinese tutoring

Focus of project: Teaching my cousin brother basic Chinese

1. Investigation:

I started learning Chinese since I was 8 years old therefore my knowledge for the Chinese language is in a level where I can speak, read and write. Due to the Chinese language being world wide, my auntie and uncle wanted me to teach my cousin brother basic Chinese.

2. Preparation:

Before starting my lesson, I made some lesson plans on what I should teach my cousin brother and ways that would make the lesson fun as possible. I thought that in each lesson, I should have a specific topic that I would focus on. Some of the topics that I decided to teach my cousin was colors, animals, conversation phrases and also short stories as these topics are basic things that my cousin should know. I went to buy a book that I thought would be appropriate for the lesson and find videos that would help the learning process easier as well. I taught my cousin 2 times per week for 5 weeks.

3. Action:

The lessons went well and better than expected. I taught my brother lots of vocabulary words and taught him how to read and write the words. There were some lessons when my cousin brother was not enjoying the lessons therefore I showed him videos that helped him focus while being entertained.

4. Reflection:

After teaching my cousin for 5 weeks, my cousin brother's knowledge for the Chinese language improved. This was a good experience that taught me many things about myself. This experience taught me to be more patient as patience is very important when it comes to teaching. When I first started teaching I was more impatient however after teaching for a while i started to slow down and be more considerate for my cousin. Moreover I learned to be more explicit and clear when explaining something as well.

5. Demonstration:

This experience made me realize that teaching is not easy and that it requires a lot of effort. Although, teaching can be tough I still enjoyed the experience and would like to do it again if I have the chance.