Dog service trip (S)

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I got a chance to go to a dog rescue center with my friends in Pattaya. My friends and I volunteered and helped shower and walk the dogs. The dogs in the rescue center were stray dogs and dogs that got abandoned by their owners. Some dogs were abused and treated unethically by their owners. This helped me realize how serious the animal cruelty is and that there are many dogs out there that are treated badly. This issue is one of the issues that I believe should be stopped. I really had a good time helping the dogs. The dogs were adorable and nice. I had a chance to train the dogs walk. At first the dog was scared of me and did not obey my directions. However, after a while, the dog opened up to me and followed me. This was a challenging experience and help me develop patient skills. The trip as a whole was enjoyable and I will remember for a long period of time.