MacOS Devices

  1. Click the Wi-Fi menu icon and make sure Wi-Fi is turned on.

  2. Select the WEGC WiFi network from the list of available networks.

  3. You will be prompted for your credentials (username and password. See pic).

  4. Enter your school network credentials.

  5. Tick the Connect Automatically box then click Connect.

  6. You may be prompted to approve a certificate. The certificate should be for '*'. Approve or trust the certificate.

(this wil require administrative permissions, if unable to get past this step you will need to check with the device owner)

  1. You also may be prompted to enter in the devices username and password afterwards. If so, please enter in the login details of your device.

Note: It may take a couple of minutes before you get a full connection. If your device doesn't connect, forget the WEGC WiFi network, restart your device and try again. Ensure you're entering the correct username and password.