Chromebook Tips

1. My first Google Chromebook tip is, check out Chrome tips. Confused? ...Since Chrome OS is mostly Chrome browser, most of the tips that work for the Chrome browser will work for Google Chromebook too.

2. Looking for caps lock? press ALT + SEARCH

3. For Home key, press CTRL + ALT + Up Arrow

4. For End key, press CTRL + ALT + Down Arrow

5. For Delete key, press ALT + Backspace. You can use the same keyboard shortcut for deleting files from the file manager and Google Drive.

6. To lock your Chromebook screen, press Ctrl+Shift+L

7. You can open apps pinned on the taskbar using a keyboard shortcut. ALT + Number, where Number is the position of the app. For example, on the taskbar, the first icon is always the Chrome icon which opens a new tab. Ignore that, assume that the second app pinned there is Gmail. Press ALT + 1 and you will see Gmail opening in a new tab.

8. Switch To HTML5 for Better Google Music Experience on your Google Chromebook

9. To change window transparency on your Google Chromebook, visit chrome://transparency

10. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Reload will make your Chromebook do a barrel roll. It's cool!

11. To find hundreds of offline apps visit the offline apps section of the Chrome Web Store, click here.

12. To take a screenshot, Ctrl+

13. Take a partial screenshot by selecting the area you want to capture, Ctrl+ Shift+

14. Refresh google drive cache (hold control and press refresh)

15. To insert Unicode characters, press <Ctrl> + <Shift> + U + The number for the unicode character.

16. To view free space available on your Google Chromebook's local drive (HDD or SSD) visit chrome://quota-internals/. Alternatively, you can click the gear icon on the Files app to view remaining space.

17. To enable accessibility options on your Google Chromebook, visit chrome://settings/search#accessibility. You can enable the accessibility menu, spoken feedback and other accessibility options.

18. Enable tap dragging from settings (accessibility). Search tap dragging from the settings page.

19. Press Shift + Alt + M to open the file manager

20. While viewing pictures from the Chrome OS File Manager, press E (as in Editor) to quickly edit the picture using the inbuilt image editor.

21. Hold Shift key and click on any app to open it in a separate window, without the address-bar. This makes it look like an app, instead of a website!. You can right click any app to change the way they open by default, for example, full screen, new tab, new window etc.

22. Ctrl + S to save webpages for offline reading. (Yes, it works!)

23. On the Ash Tray (The small pop up menu you get by clicking the time and profile icon on the bottom right corner of Chrome OS desktop) click the profile icon to easily access profile pic changing settings.

24. On the file manager, right click Downloads drive to see available space on your Chromebooks HDD/SD

25. If you try to open a .swf file (flash) from the Files app, you will get an error saying it is unsupported. Drag the file to a Chrome tab, and it will work fine!

26. <Alt> + <Shift> + N opens the new messaging/notifications center

27. Looking for some help with Chrome OS File Manager? Its here.

28. Accessibility options on Chrome OS, a guide.

29. Ctrl + M once, minimizes current window, and displays any other window that is open. Keep pressing Ctrl + M to minimize each open window, till you see the desktop!. On HTML5 videos, this keyboard shortcut works as toggle between fullscreen mode.

30. On the file manager, Ctrl + E creates a new folder

31. You can create a new folder (also) by clicking the gear icon on the top right corner of the file manager

32. On the file manager, while you are dragging and dropping files, hovering over a folder will open it. To open the folder immediately without waiting for it, press the Spacebar

33. To remove wallpaper images that you added through "Custom” section, right click the image and select Delete.

34. On the Chrome OS wallpaper picker screen, you can check "Surprise me” to see a random wallpaper each time you login.

35. How To Keep Chromebook Stay Awake with Screen On

36. You can rotate Chrome OS screen using this keyboard shortcut. <Ctrl> + <Shift> + <Refresh> . Try portrait mode now!

37. The keyboard shortcut to rename a file in the Chrome OS Files app is Ctrl + Enter

38. <Shift> + [ ] (F4 or the full screen key) to make a packaged (native) app full screen.

39. When you open the notifications bar, press the pause button to pause notifications for a day. You can click the Android like clear notifications icon (those three lines!) to clear all notifications at once.

40. On the Files app (file manager) use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate: <ctrl> + 1 switches to Google Drive <ctrl> + 2 switches to Downloads <ctrl> + 3 switches to USB Drive

41. By clicking the Play button or the video while holding <Ctrl>, the video will play in a looped mode.

42. You can create shortcuts (on the left sidebar) in the Files app to certain folders. Right click and choose Create shortcut. You can remove the folder by right clicking and choosing "Remove folder” (Currently behind the flag hrome://flags/#file-manager-enable-folder-shortcuts )

43. Here is how to use the new "overview mode” on Chromebook. Overview mode is OSX Like Mission Controls Exposé for Chrome OS. It now works with ALT + TAB

44. You can access the overview mode with three finger swipe.

45. Quickly manage displays connected to your Chromebook with these keyboard shortcuts: <Alt> + <FullScreen> = Swap primary monitor

<Ctrl> + <FullScreen> = Mirror monitors

46. Open chrome://power to display battery charge percentage over time. This page will be updated soon with more power/battery related information.

47. Pressing <shift> while clicking on a Chrome Hosted App in the App Launcher opens it in a window instead of a regular tab by default.

48. Press and Hold Power Key For a Second to Lock Chromebook's Screen

49. On the Camera app, type CRAZYPONY (in caps) to make it a video player and take funny screenshots of the video. Read more here.

50. Here is how you switch between multiple accounts on Google Chromebook, <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Period> and <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Comma> (keyboard shortcuts.)