
To install Adobe Creative Cloud you will need to have administrator rights on your computer. If you do not have administrator rights on the computer, you will need to contact the owner of the device.

You are able to install Adobe Creative Cloud on TWO devices.

1. Download the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite from one of the following links.

2. For Google Chrome users, the download will appear in the bottom left corner of the chrome window. Click on it when it is completed. If you can not see the download in the corner it will be in your usual downloads folder.

3. Run the Creative Cloud installer once the download completes.

4. You need to sign in to install. Use the credentials you used to create your account in step 2, or sign in with your existing account.

5. If prompted, select to use your Enterprise ID instead of your Adobe ID

6. Installing may take a while depending on your computer. Please wait until it has completed.

7. Once it has installed it may need to update. Please wait until this has completed.

8. You can choose to install any of the apps by clicking on the blue ‘Install’ button to the right of the app icon. You will then see a progress bar.

9. Once it has completed you will see an ‘Open’ button. Your app in now installed and available on your computer to use.

You can now install all the apps your require this way.