Unit Zero: Introduction

Nomenclature Review, Basic Atomic Structure Review, Basic Moles Review, Advanced Moles and Stoichiometry

Unit Zero serves as a way for us to review some critical fundamentals from Regents Chemistry, as well as beginning to introduce more sophisticated concepts in AP Chemistry. It mostly covers Chapters 1-3 from our textbook, with a little bit of Chapter 4 thrown in as well.

Please refer to the videos, slides, and notes listed here for more resources in reviewing this material. Most of this WILL BE review from Regents Chemistry

Our in-class time will be spent on the following points and goals in Chapters 1-4:

Nomenclature Videos for Class 

Watch these videos to get reacquainted with Chemical Naming and Formula Writing. The second video (-ate, -ite, -ide) will be new material; the rest are essentially review.

(it might seem like there's a lot of them, but they're all fairly short)

Stoichiometry Videos for Class

Take notes in the Unit Zero note packet as you go.

This website has a ton of practice problems on there. This is not an assignment, just a resource.

Formal Lab Report Example - yes, you will write a lot of detail in your lab reports. Yes, you will feel like you're repeating yourself by the end. That's the point. Read through this to get an idea of the level of discussion I'm looking for in your formal lab reports.