Sales Challenge

****UPDATE: We have updated our Documentation site - please click the below link****

Scenario #1: Sales Challenge

John wants to create a new challenge for his sales team

Step 1: Create Team Category

  1. Click on the arrow next to RDS Team Category to create new Team Category and Save

2. On the Team Category record, click on the arrow next to RDS Teams and click New to create the new RDS Teams:

Step 2: Create Challenge

  1. Click on the arrow next to RDS Challenges to create a New RDS Challenge

2. Select Team Challenge as type and leave the rest as default. Hit Next

3. Fill in below information

4. Specify challengers for team 1 & team 2 and click on 'Save & Next'

5. Specify Attributes. You can choose to use any existing attributes or create new attributes. For trialforce purpose, we will create new attributes.

For example, you can create attributes with simple method as shown below. Hit Save to proceed:

6. Save the challenge

Step 3: Start Endorsement

1. Go to the Sales Challenge and Edit the record. Make sure Challenge is in Open status and the Start Date is valid:

2. Create new endorsement

Step 4: Review Hall of Fame

1. Go to Sales Challenge record & click on Hall of Fame button

Expected result:

You can also sort the Hall of Fame by team