Automatic Endorsement

****UPDATE: We have updated our Documentation site - please click the below link****

To create points to be awarded automatically you will need to set up a Process Builder through the Setup Menu. The example below will show you how to create using a 'Calculated from input' point to be given when an opportunity become closed-won. Points will be given for a certain amount and then multiplied depending on the closed date.

How to Create an Automatic Point using Process Builder

  1. Select 'Setup' and search 'Process Builder' in Quick Find
  2. Select 'New' to create your flowchart
  3. Fill in 'Process Name' and tab for API Name. There is the option to add a description, and when the process starts. Select Save
  4. Select '+ Add Object'
  5. Select 'Object' (Opportunity) and 'Start the Process' (Only when a record is created)
  6. Select '+ Add Criteria'
  7. Enter 'Criteria Name' (Opportunity Closed-Won), 'Criteria for Executing Actions' (Conditions are met), 'Set Conditions' (Opportuntiy is Closed Equals Boolean False) and 'Conditions' (All of the conditions are met (AND).
  8. In 'Immediate Actions' select '+ Add Action', add the 'Action Type' (Create a Record), 'Action Name' (Create RDS Endoresment), 'Record Type' (RDS Endorsement).
  9. Then proceed to set 5 'Set Field Values'
  • Attribute - ID - (Value = Find ID by selecting endorsement from RDS Endorsement)
  • Endoresment Date - Formula - Today()
  • Related Record Id - Reference - [Opportunity].Id
  • User - Reference - [Opportunity].Owner.Id
  • Points Awarded - Number - 1

10. Once you have completed, select 'Activate'.



