
****UPDATE: We have updated our Documentation site - please click the below link****

Configuration Settings

RIO DriveSuccess configuration settings determine how RIO DriveSuccess works as an application through Salesforce. To configure in settings, go to App Launcher > RIO DriveSuccess > RDS Configuration.

Before starting the application, complete the configuration settings and data preparation below:

Disable All email notification - Check if you DO NOT want users to receive any form of email notification.

Disable all chatter Notification - Check if you DO NOT want users to receive any form of notification from an endorsement or a badge.

Error Notification List - Notify the appropriate person for any errors reported when using this application. This would usually be directed to the System Administrator or the internal support team. You can add multiple email addresses using a comma separator.

Hall of Fame sizes - The size allows you to filter the hall of fame to show number of challengers 5, 10, 15 or ALL

Enable for Community - If you have a Salesforce community