Math 6 Plus

This year, our students will be working with a math curriculum from Open Up Resources, an educational nonprofit. The curriculum is designed to foster excitement about–and deep understanding of–math. Students participate in hands-on activities, in order to help them understand math conceptually.  Students also participate in many collaborative activities – problem-solving in pairs or teams – in order to help them express their math thinking and learn from their peers.   

For frequent updates and assignments, please check your child's Math 6+ Canvas site.

Helpful Link for the Math 6+ Open Up Resources Curriculum: 

Extra Resources:

Khan Academy (Illustrative Mathematics): (Specifically for Math 6+) Khan Academy partnered with Open Up Resources (Illustrative Mathematics) and offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that corresponds with the OUR curriculum.

Khan Academy (K-8-grades): Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Quizzes and videos on multiple math topics

BBC math games: Games for review

Free Rice: Answer questions to help end hunger - many topics to chose from

Math Games 2 - compete against others

XP math games

Math Village: Math examples, math video tutorials, and interactive applets

Virtual Manipulatives for math

Math Book: An online math book that could help if struggling with a certain topic. 

Moby Max: math practice

Math Playground: math games for grade 6 by standard

Quizlet: Search millions of study sets or create your own. Improve your grades by studying with flashcards, games and more.

Math Games: 6th grade math games, algebraic expressions, division, geometry, square roots, mixed operations, consumer math, ratios, percentages