19/20 Expected Outcomes

A strong school library program displays a commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity that is embodied in its policies, instruction, programming, materials, and pedagogy. This includes ensuring access, amplifying historically marginalized voices, and promoting literature and informational texts that reflect the lives, experiences, and interests of all students.


- We chose Equity & Cultural Competency as our focus area for 2019-2020. It aligns with our School Improvement focus of A4.06. It also allows us to be intentional in our work with our diverse population of students.

- Our current score in this area is 8.0 - emerging.

Wiley Media and Technology Advisory Committee:

-Lynn Christiansen, Library Media Specialist

-Leslie Taylor, Principal

-Jenny Oliver, Kindergarten Teacher

-Denya Hewitt, 2nd Grade Teacher

-Sean Russell, 5th Grade Teacher

-Yuko Yoshikawa, Japanese Teacher

-Sandra Owens, CCR Teacher

Expected Outcome #1

Staff and LMS will evaluate classroom and school library collections to determine current cultural relevance. Throughout the year, teachers and LMS will be intentional about adding culturally relevant titles to to collections. Staff will evaluate at the end of the year to see how collections have changed.

Expected Outcome #2

The MTAC will look at library policies to ensure they are equitable and allowing access for all students.