19/20 Evidence and Reflection

Objective 1

Staff and LMS will evaluate classroom and school library collections to determine current cultural relevance. Throughout the year, teachers and LMS will be intentional about adding culturally relevant titles to to collections. Staff will evaluate at the end of the year to see how collections have changed.

Evidence & Reflection

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and our move back to our permanent location, we were not able to evaluate classroom libraries. However, we did briefly evaluate the School Library Media Center before the shut down. Staff did a brief shelf-audit of the media center collection which did not give any conclusive data on the cultural diversity of the collection. By looking at just one shelf, anywhere from 10-20% of the titles contained diverse characters. The Library Media Specialist is hoping to find a collection development report that will give more clear data on the collection as a whole. The Library Media Specialist has been working to ensure that new books are diverse, culturally relevant, and avoid stereotypes.

Objective 2

The MTAC will look at library policies to ensure they are equitable and allowing access for all students.

Evidence & Reflection

After reviewing the library policies, the MTAC committee felt that they provided equitable access for all students. The library is open for circulation throughout the entire school day, unless Mrs. Christiansen has to be elsewhere. While there are limitations on the number of books that students may check out, the open library allows students to return and get new books as often as needed. The only concern was when students could not check out any books due to not returning books. It was decided to look at these on a case-by-case basis.