18/19 Expected Outcomes

A strong school library program connects students to the world around them through research and inquiry, and by supporting a climate and culture of reading. These connections are made through collaborative lessons and programming that integrate information and technology skills with classroom curriculum, through the curation of relevant and reliable print and digital resources, and by empowering students in the 4C’s.


- We began year with a 6.4 rating in this focus area. While this was not our lowest area, we felt that we could certainly to better since our media center in 80% flex.

- Our goal is to increase collaboration between the Media Specialist and teachers through collaborative projects that will enhance the curriculum and engage the students.

Wiley Media and Technology Advisory Committee:

-Lynn Christiansen, Library Media Specialist

-Leslie Taylor, Principal

-Jenny Oliver, Kindergarten Teacher

-Denya Hewitt, 2nd Grade Teacher

-Sara Cottrell, 4th Grade Teacher

-Yuko Yoshikawa, Japanese Teacher

-Sandra Owens, CCR Teacher

-Brian Marks, Parent Representative

Expected Outcome #1

Over the course of the 18/19 academic year, every grade level will collaborate with the media specialist at least once. The Library Media Specialist will use strategies learned from Convergence, NCSLMA, and other professional development to enhance the current curriculum.

Expected Outcome #2

Over the course of the 18/19 academic year, our Library Media Specialist will collaborate with 3rd through 5th grade on at least one EL curriculum unit.