Teachers lead the teaching profession.

Teachers strive to improve the teaching profession. They contribute to the establishment of positive working conditions in their school. They actively participate in and advocate for decision-making structures in education and government that take advantage of the expertise of teachers. Teachers promote professional growth for all educators and collaborate with their colleagues to improve the profession.

Teachers should: • Strive to improve the profession; • Contribute to the establishment of positive working conditions; • Participate in decision-making structures; and • Promote professional growth.


BTLN Currently serve on the leadership council of the Beginning Teacher Leadership Council

October 2018, Presented to WCPSS Lateral Entry Teachers Social

November 2018, Presented to community business partners at WakeEd Partnership's Board of Directors quarterly meeting

May 2019, will present to future teachers at Summer Professional Development WCPSS Future Teachers

NCSU Foreign Languages Dept, ESL

February 2019, Co-presented with Dr Jillian Haeseler, Director of the Foreign Languages Dept and ESL add-on Licensure Program, to student Social Studies teachers



Teacher Leader

March 2019, Professional Series facilitator

#ESL_DynamicLearning - I have also organized a PLT of ESL teachers -- NorthEast Regional Dynamic Learning Team -- who synergize regularly, collaborating to improve teacher instruction and assessment, increase student academic English language acquisition, and to decrease the academic gap between ELs and their native-speaking peers. Our team is recognized by the District, which seeks our expertise and input regularly when they need teacher input or leadership. Our members, including myself, are called upon to facilitate PD, mentor peers, and as a model for other PLTs. We also facilitate networking events to support other ESL teachers, especially new and transitioning ESL teachers. Each of us is also involved in the District curriculum overhaul as writers or pilot teachers. We collaborate in person, virtually, digitally (through email, Twitter, and Google Apps for Education), and small groups as necessary to achieve our goals instructional and student outcome goals. We house shared information within a team folder in Google Drive and have expanded our presence to Twitter with the #ESL_DynamicLearning.