Career Planning

What are my first steps in Career Planning?

Step 1: Get to Know Yourself

  • Identify interest, strengths, values, traits, and ambitions

Step 2: Exploring Options

  • Research careers that align with interest
  • Understand trends within the industry
  • Research education and training requirements

Step 3: Get Focused

  • Make decisions and set goals
  • Develop an action plan

Step 4: Take Action

  • Prepare resume
  • Connect with employers
  • Gain experience through work-based learning
  • Refine workplace skills
  • Reflect

Resources to Explore:

The following sites can help you start the career exploration process. Explore the sites to help you seek out up-to-date employment information, virtual job shadowing and career assessment quizzes. Mrs. Ellis would be glad to discuss these sites with you and any information you find that may help you on your career discovery!


Career Resources:

Career Inventory Assessments:

Personality Assessments:

Aptitude Assessments:

Learning Styles Inventories: