About Me

This is my 16th year teaching. I was a Teaching Fellow at NCSU, student taught at WLE, and taught kindergarten at WLE for ten years. Five years ago I looped up to 1st grade with my K class, and last year I was fortunate enough to be able to teach many of these kids again in my first year as a 5th grade teacher. I'm excited for another year in fifth grade, with more familiar faces! This year we'll be self-contained, so I'll be teaching all subject areas. I'm really looking forward to LOTS of learning, on the part of students and myself. I love the relationships I'm able to build with fifth graders. I also really enjoy being able to help fifth graders embrace their growing independence, all the while providing the necessary guidance to ensure their success, socially, emotionally, and academically.

I am originally from Angier, NC. My mother is a retired kindergarten teacher, who often substitutes for long-term maternity leaves (two of mine). I am married with children. ;) My husband is Patrick, and he's a golf instructor. Reagan, our oldest, is in 4th grade. Our other daughter, Aubrey, is in first grade. Our son, Thomas, is in preschool and will be five years old in October. When I'm not keeping up with kids (yours and mine), I love to workout and bake goodies (absolutely related) and read.

I am looking forward to an amazing year in 5th grade!