Theatre Arts

For more information, see the Theatre Department's website:

Follow us on Twitter: @afhs_theatre And Instagram: afhstheatre

Course Code for Registration

Theatre Performance- Jamie Gorski

Theatre Arts Beginning 53152XOA

*Semester Upper Level Theatre Classes:

Theatre Arts Intermediate 53162XOA (Audition Required)

Theatre Arts Proficient (H) 53185XOA (Audition Required)

*Year Long Acting Company:

Theatre Arts Advanced (H) - Fall 53175XOAF (Audition Required)

Theatre Arts Advanced (H) - Spring 53175XOAS (Audition Required)

* Recommendation and Audition from Theatre Teacher

Technical Theatre - Tyler Whitley

Technical Theatre Beginning 53612XOA

*Technical Theatre Intermediate 53622XOA

*Technical Theatre Proficient (H) 53635XOA

*Recommendation from Technical Theatre Teacher