Standard I

Demonstrate Leadership, Advocacy & Collaboration

CDC's Demonstrate Leadership in the School, District and Community

Element a. Career Development Coordinators & Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school, district and community.

1. Evidence of data driven program as a CDC, Career Development Coordinator serving both schools AFHS & AFMS.

Documentation of active involvement in PLT and committee work... I am a part of the Career & Technical Education (CTE) Professional Learning Team (PLT). I also attend CTE PLT's at both schools in those departments and follow up on action items.

As a CDC... our Business Alliance is a vital part of strengthening our school. We meet monthly and have a joint BA with Apex Friendship Middle and High.

Standard 1.02 CDC's enhance their profession. They strive to improve the profession by staying current in research and best practices. This we work on in our county monthly CDC PLT's for HS & separate meeting for MS, monthly CTE PLT at AFHS and weekly CTE PLT's at AFMS.

  • Attended the CDF Training 120 hours to add CDC to my Teaching/School Counseling License.

  • Attend Monthly PLT's with all CDC's in the county where we look at Best Practices and talk about research. I have presented at our monthly meeting, about the sessions I attended at the Fall Conference. I also presented my Sign Up Google Doc for the 8th grade Career Fair for the other CDC's in the county since this type of form has not been used yet. Since this doc has been created, it can be used year after year, just changing the names/Careers on the form & shared with colleagues.

CDC PLT for all of WCPSS monthly

  • Subscribe to the NCDA National Career Development Association magazine to keep up with latest trends in Career Development and share articles with colleagues.

1.03 CDC's Advocate for their students and programs for students:

  • Brought Career Cafe from my former school, having Guest Speakers come in to both schools to share their career with students while students have their lunch. This is a smaller setting to learn about careers and be able to ask questions. Positive feedback from both Guest Speakers and Students. This involved 17 adults coming into both schools, reaching about 180 students at AFHS and AFMS over the school year.

Work-Based Learning Conintuum AFHS 2018