
Weekly Structure in Google Classroom

  • A weekly structure allows you to organize your subjects/topics by week.

  • Hide your classwork notifications on the stream. Force your students to always look at the "Classwork" Tab

  • Use the stream only for general classroom announcements. Having too many posts on your stream makes it difficult to find the most important information.

  • Create "Topics" in classroom, which would be your weeks. When creating an assignment, make sure you put it in the appropriate week.

  • Number each assignment, such as "Week 3 Math" or "#04 Beowulf"

  • Decide if you want your weeks to show ascending or descending. Descending would assure that the most recent content is always at the top of the page.

Topical Structure in Google Classroom

  • A topical structure allows you to organize your subjects/topics by subject.

  • Hide your classwork notifications on the stream. Force your students to always look at the "Classwork" Tab

  • Use the stream only for general classroom announcements. Having too many posts on your stream makes it difficult to find the most important information.

  • Create "Topics" in classroom, which would align with your topics. When creating an assignment, make sure you put it in the appropriate topic.

  • Create a "Classroom Materials" Topic to store resources that students may need to refer to in the future, such as a word bank or a table of elements.

  • Number each assignment, such as "ELA Week of 9/7-9/11" or similar

  • Create a "Week at a Glance" to post announcements or what is coming up for the week.