Sculpture 2

Sculpture involves space, materials, techniques and ideas. Sculptures can be seen in the ordinary as well as the extraordinary. In Sculpture 2, students are challenged to expand their creative ideas and develop their technical skills further through an experimental, creative manner. In this course, students will continue making personal choices and through self-exploration (and teacher guidance), they will work to foster their personal creative voice.

Students in Sculpture 2 will experiment with both traditional and non-traditional sculptural materials as they investigate and problem-solve conceptual challenges. Assignments might include large portrait sculptures, recycled sculptures, installations and sculptures addressing social justice issues. composition and design principles are emphasized through a deeper development of technical skills and critical thinking.

Students will continue to reflect on their creative process throughout this course while looking beyond themselves, considering the world around them as inspiration for subject matter as well as choice of materials.

Paper Sculpture

Paper Sculpture

Recycled Sculpture

Social Justice Sculpture

Portait Sculpture