
Photography 1

It has been said that “a photograph is worth a thousand words.” Photography has the power to freeze a memory forever, to create curiosity and empathy in its viewers, and to communicate a powerful story without even using words. Today, this power is right at our fingertips. This course is designed to help students see the world around them through an empathetic and creative lens, and to learn the tools to make strong photographs that tell a story. Their story.  An emphasis is placed on compositional skills and design principles throughout this foundational course.

In Digital Photography 1, students will be introduced to the DSLR camera, where they will learn about the exposure triangle, lighting, manual settings of the camera, and compositional rules. Throughout this course, students will learn to embrace their mistakes and successes and will learn the importance of reflecting on their creative process as they begin to discover their artistic voice and learn how to use digital photography as a creative tool for self-expression, social exploration and documentation.  


Art Elements in the Environment