Comic Arts 2

Comic Arts is a medium defined by passion, dedication, boldness, and experimentation. Comic Arts 2 is for students who are passionate about storytelling and imagery, who have completed Comic Arts 1 and have the desire to dig deeper into the traditional and digital craft of creating comics. Wayzata’s Comic Arts courses are unique, cross-disciplinary courses that reflect the rich diversity in the world of Comic Arts today.

As a Comic Arts 2 student, you will:

  • Continue to experiment with traditional and digital comic formats (Adobe software)

  • Develop Color palettes intended to strengthen the storyline.

  • Gain a stronger understanding of light and shading

  • Develop more advanced character design (techniques-putting our characters into motion, using body language to enhance the story and creating supporting characters)

  • more on the plot, setting and theme of our stories.

  • Focusing on creating dynamic backgrounds focusing on perspective and detail.

  • Create personal and collaborative stories

We will continue to focus on, but will dig deeper into the history of comics as well as the use of comics in different parts of the world; the visual process; more detailed scripts (storyboards); images as narrative tools: timing; development of characters; page layout & design: color theory; traditional and digital drawing techniques and technology. A variety of media will continue to be explored including, but not limited to, digital drawing (Adobe), digital scanning, pen and ink, watercolor, alcohol markers, and colored pencils.

This is a new course being offered this school year, therefore we do not have any photos of student work to share at this time. We are looking forward to having examples to share soon!!