Ceramics 1

Do you love to create three-dimensional objects with your hands? This foundational course is designed to introduce students to creating both functional and non-functional pieces with clay using creative-thinking and problem-solving through a variety of techniques.

Students will be presented with the fundamental understanding of hand building (pinch, coil, and slab building) and an introduction to wheel-throwing processes. Students will put knowledge into action as they sketch 2-D plans and create 3-D forms such as animal whistles, 3-D paintings, sculptural portrait busts, and cylindrical forms on the potter’s wheel. Throughout this course, students will learn to embrace their mistakes and successes and will learn the importance of reflecting on their creative process.

Students will learn the aesthetics of ceramics through studio art management, developing an artistic vocabulary through the use of the Elements and Principles of Art and Design, and using a variety of glazing techniques. Students will explore form, design, function, and individual creativity throughout the course.

2D paintings to 3D sculptures

Idiom sculpture


Animal Whistles