Advanced Ceramics

Advanced Ceramics (3-D Art and Design) is a course for the highly motivated Ceramics student. This course not only takes the investigating and problem-solving skills from previous art classes to the next level, but it also prepares students for participation in the AP 3-D Art and Design course.

Students will engage in deep observation to build, refine, or confirm their knowledge, thus developing a foundational skill that supports analysis and learning. Students will engage in reflective writing as they consider the choices they make as artists and the outcomes of those choices on the artistic process as well as the final products. Students will be guided to grapple with questions that spark curiosity, cultivate wonder, and promote productive lingering. Students will have frequent opportunities for active, thoughtful participation in collaborative conversations about significant themes, topics, and texts and students will regularly compare, critique, debate, and build upon others’ ideas and arguments to advance their learning.

During this course, students will use an inquiry approach to create a series of pieces referred to as a mini sustained investigation. This process creates an opportunity for possible inspiration in a longer sustained investigation for their AP portfolio in the next level course.