Wayzata High School

Art Department

The Wayzata Visual Arts Department prepares culturally responsive, life-long learners through a challenging, comprehensive art curriculum that focuses on the creative process, innovative thinking skills and by creating authentic learning experiences for each and every student.

Students will develop critical thinking skills and gain a personal voice and self-awareness to take on life challenges through the process of creating original artwork, presenting authentic ideas, responding to and interpreting the work of others and connecting to the Global Community.

The elements and principles of art and design are the cornerstone of our visual arts curriculum, anchoring each class with concepts of how to Create, Present, Connect, and Respond to art.

The Wayzata High School Art curriculum is a process based approach. We follow the Create Process map to guide our instruction. The curriculum follows the MN State Visual Arts Standards as well as the National Visual Arts Standards. We want our students to appreciate the art product, but our focus is on the entire art making process. Our goal is for students to find their creative voice by shifting our emphasis from art production to a well rounded art experience. In doing so, our students are learning to problem solve, persevere, think critically, and feel safe exploring and finding their personal artistic voice.

“Many people see artists as shaman, dreamers, outsiders, and rebels. In reality the artist is a builder, an engineer, a research analyst, a human relations expert, a project manager, a communications specialist, and a salesman. The artist is all of these and more-combines with the imagination of an inventor and the courage of an explorer. Not a bad set of talents for any business challenged to innovate in a world of volatility, uncertainty and change.” -Steven Tepper, Fast Company, March 2013.

**All Level 1, 2 & 3 classes are one term courses.  All Advanced and Advanced Placement courses are a semester long (two terms). All courses offered through the Visual Arts Department meet the Fine Arts requirement for graduation.

Teaching Staff 

Dane Hodges-Ceramics 1, 2, 3, Advanced, AP, Drawing 1, Drawing 2, Drawing 3, Advanced Drawing, AP Drawing

Ericka Bachmeier-Drawing 1, Drawing 2, Comic Arts 1, Comic Arts 2

Chelsea Novotny-Graphic Design 1, 2, 3,Advanced, AP

Dawn Duwenhoegger-Painting & Sculpture 1, 2, 3, Advanced, AP

Molly Platisha-Digital Photography1, 2, 3, Advanced, AP

Joanna Prosser-Ceramics & Unified Art