
To prep for this meeting, Ms. Hendrickson contacted many apple orchards to get a donation of apples. Barthel Fruit Farms was willing to dontate over 90 apples to our club! When Ms. Hendrickson picked up the apples she also bought apple cider for each member to try. At this meeting, there were four stations. The first station was peeling and coring apples and then dehydrating the apples. Students took their peeled and cored apple and broke it into little chips. Then, they added a cinnamon and sugar sprinkle and placed the apples on tray. The second station was apple taste testing. There were 3 varieties of apples for the students to try. The varieties were Crimson Red, Macintosh, and Gala. The third station was Thank You cards to Barthel Fruit Farms for the donations. These cards were mailed to the farm. The last station was taste testing the apple cider. Students then talked about their favorite part from the meeting!

Supplies: apples, apple peeler and corer, dehydrator, cinnomon, sugar, bowls, plates, knives, paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, apple cider, and paper cups