During our time with remote learning, we've had to become more creative with our teaching and our learning to keep our students engaged. Franklin Staff along with the entire West Allis-West Milwaukee School District decided to spice up our remote learning by launching "Passion Projects". Teachers guided their students along the way to support them in finding and sharing their passion. Teachers supported students in research, speaking & listening skills, feedback protocols, connecting with experts...and much more. Students engaged in this process through Google Classroom, Google Slides, FlipGrid, SeeSaw, and Zoom lessons. It's been amazing to see our teachers work hard to keep our students engaged and our students leading their learning. We've learned so much about our Franklin Roadrunners! Check out what some of our learners came up with!

Biking with Declan (Team Inspiration)

Gardening with Marley (Team Empower)

Drawing with Jace (Team Inspiration)

Coloring with Jackson (Team Inspiration)

Singing with Asuma (Team Inspiration)

Legos with Rhoads (Team Inspiration)

Cooking with Josiah (Team Inspiration)

Nature Art with Maddie (Team Inspiration)

Safe Biking with Aniyah (Team Inspiration)

No Training Wheels with Kaiden (Team Inspiration)

Scooters with Kaleb (Team Inspiration)

Performing with Mariah (Team Inspiration)

Gymnastics with Ezra (Team Pursuit)

Bike Parts with Johnny (Team Pursuit)

Insects & Reptiles with Easton (Team Wonder)

Baby Dolls with Aaliyah (Team Pursuit)

Homemade Chalk with Sorayah (Team Pursuit)

Baking with Nora (Team Pursuit)

Sports with Ozzy (Team Wonder)

Tacos with Jackson (Team Pursuit)

Puzzles with Cashous (Team Pursuit)

Scootering with Skye (Team Pursuit)

Caring for Pets with Adam (Team Pursuit)

Fishing with Bryce (Team Pursuit)

Scones with Hannah (Team Pursuit)

Cricuit Crafts with Maggy E (Team Pursuit)

Scooter Safety with Alex (Team Pursuit)

Fishing with Ryder (Team Pursuit)

Baking Brownies with Renada (Team Resiliency)

Trampoline Tricks with Alivia (Team Pursuit)

Planting with Violet (Team Inspiration)

Board Games with Arthur (Team Inspiration)

Nature Walking with Rocco (Team Inspiration)

Zoology with Da'Mira (Team Imagination)

Cooking with Emery (Team Inspiration)

Walks with Reece

(Team Imagination)

Raindrop Music Creation with Mario (Team Resiliency)

Lake Life with Corrina (Team Inspiration)

Biking with Lyrik (Team Inspiration)

Dancing with Brynne (Team Odyssey)

In the Kitchen with Ellis (Team Inspiration)

Art with Lennon (Team Inspiration)

Bike Riding with Gideon (Team Empower)

Slime with Veronica (Team Empower)

Cars with Hunter (Team Resiliency)

Rollerblading with Dylan (Team Empower)

Taking Care of a Baby Brother with Kayla (Team Empower)

Scootering with Wyatt (Team Inspiration)

Painting with Sam (Team Inspiration)

Art with Norah (Team Inspiration)

Swimming with Selena (Team Inspiration)

Hadleys Passion