ECA stands for 'End of Course Assessment'. All students in 12th grade who have not passed both Algebra and/or English ECA tests must take and pass both of them for graduation.

All Sophomores and any Juniors that have not passed the ISTEP yet will take the ISTEP test instead of the ECA tests.

Current 12th grade students took the Algebra ECA for the first time either:

1. Upon passing the Algebra class (both 'a' and 'b' sections) or

2. At the end of their sophomore year

Current 12th grade students took the English ECA for the first time at the end of their sophomore year.

Current 12th grade students who did not pass one or both of the ECA tests will have the opportunity to retake the test(s) in the fall and spring of each consecutive year of high school until they pass. If a student does not pass the ECA test(s) by the end of their Senior year of high school, then the counselor and the student initiate waiver paperwork. The waiver is NOT guaranteed. The ECA waiver depends on the student's GPA in core classes, attendance, presence at all of the available retake dates, teacher recommendation, and principal recommendation.