Career & Technical Programs (CTE) & Work-Based Learning (WBL)

Wawasee High School has several CTE (Career & Technical) programs available for students to earn job certifications and college credits as well as a WBL (Work-Based Learning) Program for students to learn while on the job. These programs are more hands-on and are geared towards real-life job skills that are considered 'in demand' for employment. The CTE department has two websites highlighting these opportunities:

Please visit the overall CTE website here: Pathways - Wawasee Area Career & Technical Website

For more information regarding these classes/programs, please reference the Career & Technical section of our Course Description Guide.

When scheduling, students must fill out a CTE (Career Technical Education) Programs Application

Work-Based Learning:

- What is Work Based Learning? Work Based Learning (WBL) is an opportunity for students to gain real-life work experience while in high school through internships. Students who participate in WBL transfer their academic and technical knowledge and skills from the classroom to the workplace, which allows students to gain and develop proper employability skills before entering the real-world. Wawasee High School offers both in-school and out-of-school Work Based Learning opportunities. Students can join the WBL program as early as their sophomore year and proceed with the program until they graduate.

- Where can I work? Students can work in many different types of workplaces, as long as it will be a safe and beneficial experience. It is the students responsibility to secure an internship location.

- Will I be paid? Students who enter the Work Based Learning program may or may not be paid. Earning a paycheck depends on the workplace location and the specific position.

- Additional Questions? If you have additional questions about Wawasee's Work Based Learning program, please contact Mr. Everingham (WBL Coordinator) by e-mail at

For more information regarding these classes/programs, please reference the Work-Based Learning section of our Course Description Guide.

When scheduling, students must fill out an Application for In School & Out of School Internship.