Social Studies Across Grade Levels:

New curriculum and what this means for students

Submitted by Mrs. Michelle Leatherman, Director of Instructional Services

During the 2019-2020 school year, teachers in the content area of social studies began to evaluate the then current social studies curriculum to prepare for selecting new programs. Over the course of the school year, teachers spent many hours assessing the needs of our district social studies curriculum and reviewing potential new programs. During the process, teachers piloted programs within their classrooms to evaluate which ones would be the best choice for their grade levels, using such criteria as student engagement, alignment to state learning standards, and instructional integrity. Final decisions were made in the spring of 2020, and materials were then purchased. The new social studies programs will be implemented this school year, and teachers are excited to have new and innovative materials and instructional tools to use with students.

Ohio’s Learning Standards for social studies were originally adopted in 2010. In 2016, the revision process began, and a draft of the revised standards was released in 2017. The State Board of Education adopted the revised standards in February of 2018 with the expectation that districts would have full implementation during the 2020-2021 school year. This was perfect timing for our district to review our social studies curriculum and purchase new materials to be ready for this school year and the implementation of the new standards.

Students’ social studies experience will differ depending on grade level, but the overall aim is the promotion of civic competence - the knowledge, thought processes and democratic dispositions of students to be active and engaged citizens. Students will learn about their community, the nation and the world while developing critical thinking skills and participating in collaboration, decision-making and problem solving. Teachers will use a combination of print materials such as textbooks and workbooks and digital platforms to provide social studies instruction that is relevant, innovative and engaging for students. With students having regular access to devices and print materials, they are able to experience learning in multiple ways. The content is immersive with real-world connections that make history and current events more meaningful. Virtual field trips, digital storytelling, civic discussions, and inquiry-based learning are just some of the ways students will experience the social studies curriculum.

Teachers are excited and ready to provide engaging social studies instruction to students using the new materials and look forward to a successful school year!