A Day in the Life...Somewhat Adjusted

Submitted by Mrs. Theresa Vietmeier, WES Principal

Like our entire country, life at WES is adjusting to Covid-19. Rather than complain about what we do not like, our philosophy will be to meet any and all challenges head on. As such, the typical school day will be somewhat different for the average student. Thankfully, our phenomenal staff is on board with starting fresh, even if starting up looks different!

As we all know, the first day of school is fraught with excitement and perhaps a bit of anxiety. Our teachers realize this, and each student that is dropped off will be greeted by a cohort of teachers from the previous year. For example, a 3rd grader will be greeted and escorted to class by a 2nd grade teacher. A 4th grader will be greeted by a 3rd grade teacher, and so on. Additionally, our specials teachers will be assisting with this endeavor so as to ensure that each child has a familiar face on that critical first day. Though 4th and 5th graders know their way around the building, the first day jitters should be eased.

Another new format will involve the teaching teams. In the past, students switched classes, perhaps having one teacher for ELA and social studies, and another teacher for math and science. To avoid cohort mixing, the teachers will switch, and the students will stay in the same homeroom. Should we get to a point where the pandemic has eased, we will revisit this plan.

At WES, we are promoting a hierarchy of goals:

1. Ensure safety for students and staff

2. Develop relationships with our students, who have been out of school for five months, and

3. Tackling the curriculum and learning gaps. We believe that if the first two cannot be accomplished, the third goal can never happen.

Parents, we thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to tackle many last minute changes. We will do our best to answer your questions, address concerns, and ultimately provide the very best education to the students of Wauseon. Our students deserve no less!